Six Insights for a More Joyful Life

It takes conscious effort and resolve to cultivate your VIP. As you learn to trust and listen to it, how you feel about your life shifts.

6. Make time for the Jollies.

So here we are again with another new phrase. No I haven't lost my mind. We all have faced our share of challenges that at times seems overwhelming. Even so, there are many things that have given us joy at one time or the other. They might be little things that we have forgotten about.

The Jollies is taking the time to do what gives you joy. So when I say make time for the jollies, I mean make time for what gives you "joy," even if you still have loose ends in your life and your "to do" list is full. It took me a while to figure this out, but there will always be "loose ends" and uncertainty. If you always wait for the perfect time to begin something new, you will never begin. The only perfect time is now.

So there you have it. There's only one thing left to do. Enjoy the journey and make it an exciting adventure of discovery.


Mark Susnow is an executive and life coach who inspires others to believe in themselves. A former trial attorney for thirty years, he integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation. Mark's new book, Dancing on the River...Navigating Life's Changes is being released this month. For more information regarding Mark and his work, visit

4/30/2010 4:00:00 AM
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