So my advice to all you sexually frustrated single Muslims out there is this: clearly you've got sex on your mind, so why not embrace your desire to have sex and more aggressively seek out the institution of marriage? Marriage not only protects your vulnerability during sex but can, when harnessed the right way, lead to more pleasurable sex than you ever thought imaginable. It is not natural to live without sex, and although there's nothing wrong with intellectualizing it, don't underestimate the necessity of sexual desire in leading us to our future spouses. Although marriage is a great deal of responsibility, marriage is also the key to the type of sex that will lead to incredibly deep levels of pleasure, love, and fulfillment. After all, as Perry Como once sang, "love makes the world go ‘round."
This article was published at Altmuslimah, a Patheos Partner, and is reprinted with permission.
Onesa Prude is a married Muslim woman who thinks that more sex within marriage must be had by her community. This article was originally published at Wajahat Ali's blog, Goatmilk.