A New Paradigm of Science and Sorcery

In summary, General Metadynamics attempts to provide a paradigm of Science and Sorcery. To do this it shows how the three-dimensional transactional time in the HD8 interpretation of quantum and particle physics could allow divination and enchantment to occur.

General Metadynamics has the virtue that it does not depend on nebulous metaphysical influences that remain, in principle, impervious to confirmation or falsification by rigorous means. Thus it constitutes a proper hypothesis or theory, rather than just a mere assemblage of beliefs.

Three-dimensional transactional time explains the apparent ‘spooky action at a distance' of entanglement that so annoyed Einstein, and the apparent ‘multiple states of being' of superposition, which together have bedeviled scientific understanding of quantum phenomena.

It also has the virtue that it explains why Science usually works reliably whereas Magic often works erratically if at all. Science deals mainly with large entropy change events of high probability. Magic relies mainly on the low entropy changes associated with orthogonal time that often have low probabilities of occurrence.

On a practical level, conjuring within the General Metadynamics paradigm means looking at your own future(s) in divination, and seeking good magical links to fluid events in enchantment.

General Metadynamics does not, of course constitute a complete theory of either science or magic for each has a huge repertoire of disciplines, techniques, and data. Rather it offers a way of looking at our core ideas about what kinds of events can occur in this universe.

Most previous attempts (including some of mine) to model magic and parapsychology using quantum physics have proved inadequate because they assumed the reality of quantum ‘spooky action at a distance' and then used it too freely to assert a general case for any kind of occult phenomena without limit.

Chaos Magic has accumulated a cornucopia of ritual and sleight of mind tricks over the years and a wealth of mixed results and metaphysical hypotheses. Most of the experimental data used to create General Metadynamics have come from results generated by working with Chaos Magic techniques.

I thus offer General Metadynamics as a paradigm that can supply the theory of how the parapsychological effects of Chaos Magic actually occur, in a way that does not contradict what we can know from science.


Read Part One of Carroll's article here.

You can read more about Carroll's theories regarding magic and physics at Specularium.

Peter J. Carroll is a modern occultist and author of several books on Chaos Magic. Co-founder of the Illuminates of Thanateros and founder of Arcanorium Occult College, Carroll currently writes columns for Chaos International magazine.

5/18/2010 4:00:00 AM
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