The Future of Paganism Is Our Future


Just a quick note about inter-faith work -- here in West Yorkshire in the UK, the Pagan Federation is active within Concord, an inter-faith group in Leeds. We have had a "walk of friendship," involving members of many faiths, to a mosque, a synagogue, a local stone circle, and a Christian church; we've had neighborhood litter-picking days; and more to come! We are very lucky to live in a multi-cultural and, in the majority, tolerant community.

A 40-year-old Kitchen Witch, been a witch for (ouch) twenty years now, I am married to a wonderful man who isn't Pagan but considers himself "Pagan Friendly"! We have two little witchlets, one of each variety. After many years of travelling the world for work, I have settled into the stay-at-home mum role, bringing up our lovely babes with a reverence for all of nature and spending hours growing and making our own food (with all the mess that entails!) and celebrating the seasons with them. You can normally find me up to my wrists in baking, up to my elbows in compost, or up to my ears in the kids' toys!

8/23/2010 4:00:00 AM
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