Future Trends in Evangelicalism

Perhaps most disappointing, however, was what had happened when they were surveyed again a year later. There was very little change in the actual data, but over 55 percent indicated that they had grown spiritually in the past year. The area of discipleship is definitely the elephant in the room for evangelicals and must be addressed going forward. Beliefs must become practice in order for evangelicalism to thrive in future decades.

A decade from now, the issues I've mentioned above may be a long-past memory, like Y2K. Hopefully many churches will have addressed these issues, however, so that it is the issues and not the individual churches themselves that are long forgotten.


Ed Stetzer is the president of LifeWay Research and missiologist in residence for LifeWay Christian Resources. He has both planted and revitalized churches. Ed is a frequent speaker on the issues of leadership, culture, and faith, and his research blog is a center of innovative thought on church life and mission. He has written numerous books including Transformational Church (with Thom Rainer), Planting Missional Churches, and Viral Churches (with Warren Bird).

8/2/2010 4:00:00 AM
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