Beginning Monday, November 22 at the new Preachers Portal, Patheos will present a weekly Advent series by biblical scholars and colleagues John C. Holbert and Alyce McKenzie (Perkins School of Theology). The series will give new meaning to the phrase “Live Nativity!”
Holbert and McKenzie have combined their expertise in a five-part series entitled "The Hopes and Fears of All the Years." Each week our two scholars and homileticians will look at the lectionary texts from Isaiah and Matthew in ways that connect the hopes and fears of the people surrounding Jesus' birth with those of people today.
We invite you to join us for the series and conversation beginning November 22 at the Preachers Portal, where our authors will respond to your comments mid-week!
Series Outline:
November 28
Isaiah 2:1-5 "The Hope of Homecoming"
Matthew 24:36-44 "The Fear of Abandonment"
December 5
Isaiah 11:1-10 "The Hope of Peace"
Matthew 3:1-12 "The Fear of Punishment"
December 12
Isaiah 35:1-10 "The Hope of (Spiritual) Vision"
Matthew 11:2-11 "The Fear of (Spiritual) Blindness"
December 19
Isaiah 7:10-16 "The Hope of the Birth"
Matthew 1:18-25 "The Fear of Betrayal"
December 26
Isaiah 63:7-9 "The Hope of (Divine) Companionship"
Matthew 2:13-23 "The Fear of Competition"
11/18/2010 5:00:00 AM