Breaking Open the Book That Reads Us: A Review of Michael Card's New Book

Card also educates us about the context or setting. How does the religious and political culture of the day influence what's going on? What in history feeds into the thinking and acting Luke describes? Card also includes a nice index of Jesus' parables (more in Luke than in any other Gospel) as an expansion of one of Luke's major points. Most readers will learn something from this fine appendix. Finally, Michael opens a window on a vast landscape on page 31 when he describes the wide variety of ways that that Luke's gospel is a bridge. Many will want to use a copy of this as a bookmark as they work through the book.

Michael Card never intends this book as a substitute for reading Luke's own text. But he has carved us a good and true path to the Jesus whom no book, including the Bible, can hold. That's what John says in John 21:25. When Michael gets there, he will have to stretch his suspenders to touch the high bar of what he's done here. And readers will enjoy stretching theirs to read Him. Both will be better. He (not Michael Card) is risen.

3/3/2011 5:00:00 AM
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