What would it be like to walk in the footsteps of Gospel writer Luke, as he gathers information from the eyewitnesses of Jesus? How would he decide who to talk to, what to include? If we, as 21st-century readers, are amazed by what Luke tells us, imagine how astounded he must have been to have heard the things he did, and to have experienced the growth of the church during his time.
Luke: The Gospel of Amazement, by award-winning singer and author Michael Card, takes readers passage-by-passage on a fascinating journey through the Gospel book, imagining the sights, the smells, and the emotions a disciple would have experienced, all while describing a new way of living, and showing what the good news truly means. We have heard these stories so many times they often lose their impact, but bringing our hearts as well as our minds to the text opens up fresh insights and exciting new discoveries.
For instance, does the fact that Luke was a doctor influence the details he decides to include, as well as what details he leaves out? It is also widely accepted that Luke was a Gentile, and quite possibly a slave as well. Is this what gives Luke his broader perspective, especially his focus on the marginalized and the unlikely?
Luke is the first volume in a four-book series by Card that will cover each of the Gospels. An original collection of songs based on each Gospel book will be available separately, further engaging readers' imaginations. Luke: A World Turned Upside Down is the first of four CDs by Card. Listen as you read, reflect, or pray through the Gospel.
Read the Preface to the book here.
A review by Mark Weber, Editor of Christian Music Daily.com
Scholars and artists discuss ‘cultivating a holy imagination’ here
About the Author
Michael Card is an award-winning musician, writer, and performing artist who is perhaps best known and most appreciated for the meticulous biblical study that supports the themes and lyrics of his creative compositions. He has produced over twenty albums, and written many songs including "El Shaddai" and "Immanuel."
He has also written numerous books, including A Sacred Sorrow, A Violent Grace, The Parable of Joy, and Sleep Sound in Jesus (a children's book).
A graduate of Western Kentucky University with a bachelor's and master's degree in biblical studies, Card also serves as mentor to many younger artists and musicians, teaching courses on the creative process and calling the Christian recording industry into deeper discipleship. Card lives in Tennessee with his wife and four children.
Visit Michael Card's website here: http://www.ivpress.com/michaelcard/
"Michael Card has taught hundreds of thousands of us to love Jesus more deeply. Now, with this new book, he teaches us to follow Jesus more closely. Thanks, Michael!" ~ Max Lucado, pastor and bestselling author
"I have been using this book as a meditation in my studio to live and create as an artist of the twenty-first century; I found every page to be eye-opening. This book is a feast for truth seekers and creators. Michael Card invites all of us to a magnificent journey." ~ Makoto Fujimara, artist and writer
Visit the Patheos Book Club for more resources—including reviews and an excerpt—from Luke: The Gospel of Amazement.
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