Is the Resurrection for Real?

Photo: seier+seier+seier, Flickr C.C.In less than a week, millions of Christians around the world will rise early in the morning to raise joyful Hallelujahs as they celebrate the defining event of the Christian faith: the Resurrection of Jesus. Undoubtedly, millions more will rise and raise the question—in earnest or in jest—whether the Resurrection could possibly have happened, for real. In our modern scientific world, does belief in a Resurrection make sense?

We invited some of our favorite Christian theobloggers to respond to this question, in 100 words or less. Their very personal reflections are below. And for a longer response on the Resurrection, read a new article by renowned progressive Christian scholar Marcus Borg here.

Our Responders:
Kara Root, pastor of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chad Holtz, Masters of Divinity student at Duke Divinity School and former pastor

Eliacin Rosario-Cruz, graduate student at the School for Theology and Ministry at Seattle University and postulant in the Episcopal Church
Amy Julia Becker, author and recent graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary
Greg Garrett, English Professor at Baylor University and Episcopal Lay Preacher
Sheron C. Patterson, Methodist minister and author
Hugh Hollowell, Mennonite minister and homelessness advocate
Meg Riley, Minister of Church of the Larger Fellowship (Unitarian Universalist)
Greg Carey, New Testament Professor at Lancaster Seminary
Carl Gregg, Alliance of Baptist Pastor in Calvert County, Maryland
Mike Baughman, Associate Pastor at Custer Road United Methodist Church in Plano, Texas
Bruce Epperly, theologian, spiritual guide, and author
David Henson, writer and blogger

Kara RootKara Root

It had better be real.
As real as the contractions that ripped new life from my body.
As real as the rattle that strangled life out of his.
I've no use for a spiritual resurrection.
If Hope
for the drowned, damaged, disfigured, disowned,
is emotional ease,
if the pain of flesh and bones
is answered with mystical comfort,
if Guns are stronger than god,
then count me out.
But tell me that Death Loses,
tell me that Life Prevails,
and not in the abstract,
but in pulsing blood, flowing tears, thumping heart,
then the Resurrection
is Hope
for us all.

Kara Root is pastor of Lake Nokomis Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, MN and blogs atin the hereandnow.

4/18/2011 4:00:00 AM
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