This month in the Patheos Book Club, we're featuring Women's Spirituality by Mary Faulkner. Here's what other female authors are saying about this new book.
"Across the world, women are awakening to a new consciousness of their spiritual power. Whether within conventional religions or outside them, such women are pioneering new forms of spiritual living that Mary Faulkner articulately and passionately presents in this engaging and thorough book."
—Patricia Monaghan, author of The Encyclopedia of Goddesses and Heroines and The Red-Haired Girl from the Bog: The Landscape of Celtic Myth and Spirit
"Women's Spirituality is another thread woven into the healing cloak of the Ancients. It is a multi-colored, multi-cultured, multi-textured thread of a cunning design which allows it to vibrate in the frequency of Wise Woman. Let it spin you into sister circle. Allow it to spiral you into Goddess grace. Let it wrap you in woman spirit. Let it heal the wounds of many lifetimes. Let the magic of Women's Spirituality touch your heart and your womb. Don't be surprised if you grow wings. Don't be alarmed if you go about grinning and humming a Goddess chant. There is magic in these words."
—Susun Weed, author of the Wise Woman Herbal Series
"Mary Faulkner has written an amazing book about women and spirituality; power and grace. No leaf was unturned. No idea overlooked. No movement unexplored. I am thrilled to be a woman during these times of such thoughtful, thorough research. And true to form for Mary, touches of humor abound. I consider this book a must-read."
—Karen Casey, Ph.D., author of Change Your Mind and Your Life Will Follow
"Mary Faulkner is a gifted, wise therapist who works on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels to heal her patients. Her latest book brings an expanded awareness to the topic of "Women's Spirituality."
—Carolyn Coker Ross, MD, MPH, author of The Binge Eating & Compulsive Overeating Workbook: An Integrated Approach to Overcoming Disordered Eating and Healing Body, Mind and Spirit: An Integrative Medicine Approach to the Treatment of Eating Disorders
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