Pastor, America Needs You Now

Finally, when you speak to your congregation this week, remember that you represent nothing less than the voice of Christ. How desperately America needs to hear that singular voice raised distinctly above the others. The Apostle Peter admonishes you: "let him [speak] as if he were speaking the very words of God (1 Peter 4:11)."

The change we most need is not going to be in our national policies or politics, as important as they are. IT will be in our hearts—in our view of God, of ourselves and our fellow men and women. Jesus did not seek to change the world one precinct at a time, but one soul at a time. While you won't be able to change the whole world by yourself, Pastor, one thing is for sure: for the next soul you influence, it could make a world of difference.

9/27/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Evangelical
  • Catch the Current
  • Leadership
  • Christianity
  • Evangelicalism
  • Robert Crosby
    About Robert Crosby
    Robert Crosby is an author and Professor of Practical Theology at Southeastern University. Read his interview with Bobby Gruenewald, the Founder of (the Bible App) and related articles at Christianity Today, The New Engagers and The Social Network Gospel. Robert Crosby is the author of the new book, The Teaming Church: Ministry in the Age of Collaboration (Abingdon Press).