The Underlying Unity Within Pagan Diversity

In other words, the sacred expresses itself within and through diversity. Each petal, whether we think of it as a spiritual tradition, a human being, or even as any being, best demonstrates its sacredness by attending to its own unique relation to the center. It goes astray when it sees ultimate inferiority, error, or evil in petals that are different from its own.

This leads me to my final point. In the context of the modern world Pagan diversity within a given society is likely to grow. Not only is the world itself a manifestation of the sacred, the individuals within the world also are. And today in many ways moderns have a stronger sense of individuality than did many earlier peoples, as is captured with our idea of there being universal human rights. In an important sense everyone matters, not just heroes or kings or the rich or the "holy." It is from within our own perceptions as Pagans that we can see ever more deeply into the underlying sacredness within all things, a sacredness that manifests in myriad ways through the individual if overlapping and interconnected worlds we create in the curse of living our lives.

10/16/2011 4:00:00 AM
  • Pagan
  • Pointedly Pagan
  • Diversity
  • History
  • Monotheism
  • Monism
  • Polytheism
  • Unity
  • Christianity
  • Paganism
  • Gus diZerega
    About Gus diZerega
    Gus diZerega is a Gardnerian Elder with over 25 years practice, including six years close study with a Brazilian shaman. He has been active in interfaith work off and on for most of those 25 years as well. He has conducted workshops and given presentations on healing, shamanism, ecology and politics at Pagan gatherings in the United States and Canada. Follow Gus on Facebook. Gus blogs at Pointedly Pagan