Now Featured at the Patheos Book Club
A Magical Tour of the Night Sky
By Renna Shesso
About the Book
Shamanic practitioner, Wicca priestess, and authorRenna Shesso offers a pagan's view of the night sky - a realm far richer than the images of stars and nebula that modern astronomy brings us - as magnificent as those may be. The ancient sky, unpolluted by artificial illumination and untouched by satellites, was a vast, light-pricked world, animated by myth and mystery - a storyteller, a guide, a messenger, a goddess, a god.
"The sky was our original calendar, our original storybook, the first illustrated edition, the prototype GPS. Beyond its pragmatic usefulness, the sky was the domain of spirit, traversed by deities and a place to which human souls departed.—Renna Shesso, from the book
Structured with a planet-by-planet, star-by-star chapters, A Magical Tour of the Night Sky draws on science, lore, legend, history, and numerous magical traditions to interpret the patterns and movement of the heavens, re-awaken our spirits, and reconnect us with a vibrant, vital universe.
About the Author
Renna Shesso brings a life-long study of mystical traditions to her writing. Initially inspired by her herbalist-astrologer grandmother and the powers of nature, her interests spiraled out into art, mythology and history, archeology, Tarot and the vast lore of the Goddess traditions. Following a beautifully circuitous personal road into healing and wholeness, she now pursues a neatly braided assortment of callings: Tarot reader and teacher, writer, and Shamanic healing practitioner and teacher, labyrinth creator, drumming instructor, priestess of Wicca, and author of Math for Mystics. She is also the art critic for Westword in Denver. Visit her at:
12/1/2011 5:00:00 AM