Praise for "A Magical Tour of the Night Sky"

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A Magical Tour of the Night Sky
By Renna Shesso


"A Magical Tour of the Night Sky truly is an enchanted journey. We learn about the stars and planets through engaging story-telling and cross-cultural myths amid the patterns and movement of the night sky. Renna Shesso has woven a luminous tapestry, sharing her insights, her personal experience, and her deep knowledge of ancient wisdom traditions. This brilliant book is a map that leads us back to our sacred selves."
Sandra Ingerman, MA, author of Medicine for the Earth and How to Thrive in Changing Times

"Wow, what a read! A Magical Tour of the Night Sky is an experience sure to intrigue your intellect, stretch your imagination, ignite your soul, and remind you of all of the wonder you feel when you look up and connect with life above. As a nature lover and shamanic practitioner, I have always felt akin to the gems in the night sky, never feeling alone even while backpacking by myself in remote areas. Thanks to Renna, we now have the opportunity to understand more about these relations as presented through her masterful bridging of nature, astronomy, astrology, mythology, ancestral teachings, shamanic knowings, soul sensations and simple truths. It's lovely for the head to understand what the heart has always felt, and the soul always known."
Colleen Deatsman, author of The Hollow Bone: A Field Guide to Shamanism and Seeing in the Dark: Claim Your Own Shamanic Power Now and in the Coming Age

"At last! What a pleasure to have a book that looks at our sky instead of the abstract and dead universe of science. A Magical Tour of the Night Sky puts our forgotten, hidden sky into focus and brings its primeval meaning to us to provide food for our souls."
Greg Stafford, author, publisher of Shaman's Drum

"A Magical Tour of the Night Sky presents a clear, accessible, up-to-date guide to the positions of the planets in the sky as well as to their resonances in our hearts and imaginations."
Diane Wolkstein, co-author of Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth

12/1/2011 5:00:00 AM
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