Displacing the Believers: The Grim Realities of Iraq's Beleaguered Christians

Given these dire circumstances, and the uncertain future of those fewer than 500,000 who remain, is it any wonder that Christian and other non-Muslim minorities around the Middle East are casting a wary eye on Iraq's Christians? And what can be done for them?

There are modest ways to help here in the United States: contact your congressional representatives and other policymakers, particularly those involved in foreign policy, and insist that they encourage international agencies and Iraqi counterparts to pay attention to this besieged community. Encourage them as well to consider seriously the plight of Iraq's hundreds of thousands of refugees, especially those whose status in Syria is unknown, those under Kurdish authority in Iraq's north, and those who are seeking resettlement in the United States and other western countries (e.g., expediting related asylum petitions).

Most important, do not forget Iraq's Christians: remember them in your conversations, in your political engagement, in your support for relief agencies, and in your prayers.

3/27/2012 4:00:00 AM
  • Evangelical
  • Assyria
  • Genocide
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