"That Hideous Strength" Is Evangelicalism's Text for the Future

The good news is that the battle that is coming is not ours to win. In one of the essential texts for today's church, C.S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength, the insurgents rebelling against the sexual industrial complex of the modern west are not culture warriors assailing the institutions slowly consuming our earth and its creatures. Rather, their insurgency takes the form of faithful living in an out-of-the-way manor house out in the English countryside called St. Anne's. It was at St. Anne's that these people could live in fellowship with one another and with God's creation while they waited for the undoing of the NICE in a Tower-of-Babel-style collapse. The future of Evangelicalism will either look less like Willow Creek or Mars Hill and more like St. Anne's or it will not exist.

7/22/2015 4:00:00 AM
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