Pursue The Passion: A Devotional Based on the Film The Passion of the Christ


We must turn to the Father first.  Pray to Him and seek out His will above all else.  Sometimes God will ask us to do things we might not want to do, but we must prepare ourselves to follow our calling.  Just as Jesus asked for the cup to be taken away, He knew His Father’s will above all else.

Surround yourself with accountability and prayer.  Just like Jesus, who asked three of the disciples to come with Him and pray, we too must surround ourselves with accountability and prayer.  We need to have a circle of believers who can help us on this journey, we cannot do it alone.

Be prepared by being aware of the enemy’s schemes. The enemy came to Jesus at every turning point in the film mocking Him and trying to sway Him and he will do this to each one of us as well.  So we must do as it says in Ephesians 6:11 NIV “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”  Preparation is what we must do, read our Bible, pray, fasting, and knowing what Christ says about us, not the enemies lies. 


  1. What resonated with you while you were watching Jesus being condemned to death and beaten, ultimately leading him to carry his cross? 
  2. Do you ever feel you are being blamed or accused of things you haven’t done? Share a little about what your experience and how you have worked through it. 
  3. What are some of your steps you take in preparing to walk out your purpose and carry your cross no matter what the opposition looks like? 


Pursue Preparation: There is always a “preparation” process that helps equip and prepare us for the journey, the calling on our life. Whether you are a student, athlete, artist, parent, etc. step out in faith today and do something you know will help you to better understand your calling. This always starts with making time for Jesus.  Spend time with Him in prayer and listen to His desires, then be bold and pick up your cross.



“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV

Watch the video before you begin.


Christ falls the first time, the physical weight of the cross on His broken body was extreme. He could hardly bear the weight of it as a man, but there was an inner voice calling to Him to keep going.  It says in John 13:3 NIV Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God,” so Jesus knew that nothing could keep Him from His greatest task.  Mental and physical pain had to be  endured as He was dying for the souls of all.  The reward was great!

Jesus faced opposition and obstacles all along the way -- from Pilate, unbelievers, the religious leaders, Satan, even His own disciple, Judas.  In the film we see Jesus being beaten as Satan comes to watch, and it's as if the enemy was there saying,  “why die for those who desire Your death, look at them screaming Your name and calling for You to die. They turned on You. Leave them to me to take care of, to destroy.”  But Jesus looks up, to hear God the Father telling Him, “Get up My Son, complete the task.”  Jesus tuned out the voice of the enemy and tuned in to the voice of His Father.  Instead of Jesus looking around at the crowd, He looked up to the One who lifts Him up and gives Him strength. 

Jesus knew His purpose.  He knew what the end goal was. So even when others tried to interfere with the mission, Jesus kept going.  We see in the film Peter strikes the ear off one of the men coming to get Jesus. In John 18:11 NIV Jesus says to Peter, “Put your  sword  away!  Shall I not drink the cup  the Father has given me?” Jesus faced opposition even from those who were the closest to Him.  Although Peter may have had the best intentions, he was interfering and distracting Jesus.  The love of a mother: Mary, Jesus’ mother, met Him along the way as seen at His fall, when she runs up to Him to comfort Him.  Broken by the torture and pain that He was enduring, Mary knew Jesus’ purpose.  He was the Son of God, here to fulfill the prophecy. He says to her, “I make all things new.” She realizes that she must let Him go. 

4/1/2017 4:00:00 AM
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