The Rooting and Renewing Power of Relating Spiritually with Children

All God's children are called to purity, to be holy just like him. We're also called to remain humble, not know-it-alls, throughout the lifelong transformation process between here and heaven. In Joining Children in the Spiritual Journey, Catherine Stonehouse wisely teaches, "To be a good parent or Sunday school teacher of children, we do not need to be people who have arrived; God simply calls us to be on the way, seeking, finding, and rejoicing in what we find." Relating spiritually with children frees us up to stumble and soar side-by-side with God and each other in our family of faith.

4) Relating spiritually with children roots us in eternity and renews our maturity.
Relating spiritually with children roots and renews our hearts to walk with Jesus for life in intergenerational community. He says, "Follow me," and the child-like in the family of God simply respond, "Let's go." We face whatever comes our way, in the faith and footsteps of a child, so that the Lord's power shines through.

Children of all ages have one destiny in Christ: eternity with God. The lifelong journey that starts with saving faith is marked by total transformation. It would serve kids and adults well to remember that growth takes time. Maturity in faith is part of our unscripted discipleship adventure with God and others.

5/11/2016 4:00:00 AM
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