No you can’t vote for Hillary

No you can’t vote for Hillary July 30, 2016

Or so Fr. Longenecker seems to say.  Actually, he doesn’t say that and yet he does.  Like a good representative of the Faith, he points us to the teachings of the Bishops when it comes to voting rather than impose his opinions on us.  Read for yourself and decide.

This election is a tough one.  If ever there was proof for traditional Christians that the GOP contains plenty of elements not the least bit interested in that old time religion, it’s this election.   A man who opposes half of what conservative Christians ever believed in is now the GOP’s nominee.   A man who embodies almost everything any sane person would want to keep at least a hundred miles from the White House is 50% likely to be president.  It’s a testimony to the ages long awfulness of Hillary Clinton’ reputation and the Clinton legacy that a candidate like Trump is within 30 points of her, much less tied in the polls.  Even with the machinations of the DNC and a sympathetic media, she’s barely able to stay ahead of Trump.

So with that choice, what can the serious believer do?   There has been much debate this year, with many who once derided the idea that our votes have any impact on the presidential election suddenly insisting that our votes have an impact on the presidential election and we must vote to stop somebody.  Usually Trump.  Others have thrown up their hands and said they won’t vote for either candidate.  Count me there.  Others have reminded us that our civic duties are not an option in a free society, but that doesn’t mean just waiting around to vote once every four years for the latest president.   There are other things to do and other races to consider.  And yet others have made a strong case for supporting Trump against the much more serious, albeit subtle, threat to the social well being of traditional believers posed by Hillary and the Democrats.

I dunno.  Looking at the subject Fr. Longenecker focuses on reminds us that the Democrats, as a platform, are for a grave evil that is not just one of many unfortunate issues with which we can all agree to disagree.  But there is another subject just as damning.  As touched upon here, it is the DNC party platform that makes  clear what most have already figured out: That rights are now values based.  If you don’t accept progressive values, don’t expect to have the same rightists as those who do.  Nothing new under the sun of course.  It isn’t the first time in history that people said ‘Do it our way or watch your butt.’  Not when they have power to do something about it.  So knowing that the platform of the DNC is proudly opposed to fundamental issues of life and liberty as traditionally understood, I can see why more conservative believers would reject any idea of supporting Hillary Clinton, even if it means taking the almost unbelievable step of supporting a candidate like Trump.

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