Pray for the victims in Kabul

Pray for the victims in Kabul July 23, 2016

If you missed the fact that almost ten times the number of people killed in Munich were killed in Kabul, you can be forgiven.  I hadn’t heard about it until I saw a post on Facebook.  Not that the people in Munich are unimportant.  They are very important.  And I think they speak to a larger problem infecting the world today that goes beyond guns in America, US Foreign policy, Islamic Terrorism, or even Right Wing Media.  It seems that as a race, humanity has turned a corner and we’re just now starting to realize it might not be in a positive direction.

Right now, 80 people were killed, and dozens more wounded by yet another attack that appears linked to one of the major contributors to violence and death around the world.   God’s grace and blessings be upon those who are hurting, who have lost loved ones, and who must trudge forward as they come to grips with their loss and the world before them.  Embrace those who lost their lives, and soften the heart of our modern age that sees death and killing as the first option.  Give strength, courage and wisdom to our leaders, both in and out of the Faith, that they look beyond the allotted scripts to see what has happened in our world and how we can make peace and bring reconciliation to a torn up world.

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