The thing about polls

The thing about polls July 26, 2016

Is that they’re like stats, you can make them say whatever you want with enough creativity and golly-gee-wiz.  So most of the reporting, even in outlets not known to favor the Right, was that Trump received a bounce from the GOP sideshow.  Convention I mean.  That’s normal.  It usually happens.  Nothing new, except that such a disastrous train wreck of a spectacle didn’t cause a dip in the polls.

Meanwhile, NBC, generally considered the most flagrantly left leaning of the major networks, released its own poll and found that – shockingly – Trump received no bounce whatsoever.  Dumb luck that.

Over here, Michael Flynn shows us one reason why focusing too much on daily news polls can be hazardous to your sanity, as if watching the media spin them on a daily basis isn’t proof enough.

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