The candidates, the debate, and the Catholic Vote

The candidates, the debate, and the Catholic Vote September 27, 2016

Over at the National Catholic Register.  Yep.  A pretty fair assessment, especially considering the sudden shift in support from the Catholic vote.   Bob Schieffer, at CBS, suggests that the whole debate might not make a big difference.  Which could be true.  Ask Mitt Romney about winning first debates.  Right now both candidates have to do what I think neither candidate really did, and that’s prove their reputations false.  Trump was ill-prepared, ill-informed, fast and loose with mature behavior, and almost impossible to see sitting in the Oval Office.  Hillary, on the other hand, is what I would write if I was trying to present the ultimate portrayal of a career political insider.  Trained, predictable, at times a bit smug, at one with the moderator, and plastic enough to please Mr. McGuire.  What will happen over the upcoming weeks remains to be seen.  Polls could fluctuate.  One or the other could implode.  We’ll see.  I’m no prophet, but I do agree with my son who said the real loser in last night’s debate was America.

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