When thinking about the election

When thinking about the election November 9, 2016

Remember it was more than just Trump.  From dog catcher to president, the GOP ran roughshod across the electoral map.  There are scant victories that Democrats can point to aside from local jurisdictions.  Even there, depending on the area, they might not be able to make the case.   Here in the Buckeye state, red was pretty common on everything from State to local municipal elections.  This wasn’t just a slight nudge.  This was a sledge hammer.  These are real people with real concerns and they matter.  And they just sent a message. If we don’t want them angrier, stop and ask how they can be helped.

Liberal pundits, Democrats, entertainers, the media and academics, who are all one big happy family, will do well to admit it.  They will try to blame it all on ignorance or bigotry at their own peril.  If you lose the game, even because of a bad call, you admit you lost the game.  You don’t point to the score board and insist that, just because you have fewer points, you still won.  You admit that even if it came down to a bad call, it’s your fault it was so close in the first place.

Oh, and that includes Juan Williams, while commenting on the uptick in minority vote that Trump enjoyed, speculating that minorities like Hispanics and Asians are more likely sexist, and that’s why she lost.  That sort of thing almost guarantees four years of national red.

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