July 26, 2016

I am endlessly amused by how Christians invoke the “mark of the beast” from the Book of Revelation. They just reinterpret it continually so it’s always coming true. It’s a barcode! It’s a social security number! It’s dessert topping AND a floor wax. Bryan Fischer invents a new meaning:


July 23, 2016

Bryan Fischer says that the GOP invited a “demon god” into the Republican National Convention, and apparently he isn’t talking about Donald Trump. No, it’s because they had a Trump-supporting Muslim deliver a prayer at the event.


June 29, 2016

Sunday was the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling, which made same-sex marriage legal nationwide. Bryan Fischer, true to form, takes a look back with the most ridiculous comparison he can come up with: It was just like 9/11!


June 18, 2016

One of the things that always amuses me is when ignorant people who lack the most basic ability to reason invent all sorts of reasons why they’re really the smart ones, not those pointy-headed intellectuals with their fancy book learnin’ and those college degrees. Like Bryan Fischer:


June 17, 2016

Bill O’Reilly says feminist women shouldn’t be allowed to cover Donald Trump. Trump says Latino, female and Muslim judges shouldn’t be allowed to preside over any case involving him. And now Bryan Fischer says gay journalists shouldn’t be allowed to cover “the homosexual agenda.”


June 16, 2016

Bryan Fischer is arguing, as he long has, that we should prohibit all Muslims from coming to the United States, and he is inventing some history to do it. He compares people from Muslim countries to people from the countries where the Ebola virus was common and falsely claims that we stopped immigration from those countries.


June 7, 2016

Bryan Fischer made a rather bizarre argument on his radio show about premarital sex this week, claiming that couples who have sex before they get married give Satan “legal ground” to screw up their marriage later. I’m not sure he knows what the word legal means.


May 24, 2016

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness, often accusing others of their own worst sins. Get this one. Joe Scarborough, who has done everything but let Donald Trump walk him down Fifth Avenue on a leash, is criticizing CNN for giving Trump “unprecedented access.”


May 21, 2016

The Worldnetdaily has an article about Rafael Cruz addressing allegation from Donald Trump that he was somehow involved with the assassination of JFK. I really couldn’t care less about that, but these few paragraphs earn David Barton a Bryan Fischer Award:


May 20, 2016

It almost seems anti-climactic to give a Bryan Fischer Award to Glenn Beck. The award, which is given to those who display a staggering lack of self-awareness and self-contradiction, could just as easily be named after Beck himself. And this latest example is simply precious. He’s talking here about the jerk who accused Whole Foods of putting “fag” on a cake he ordered.


May 11, 2016

The Bryan Fischer Award is given to those who show a breathtaking lack of self-awareness, accusing their opponents of committing their own worst sins. Today’s winner is Ben Carson, for this utterly oblivious statement in response to Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s pledge to protect transgender people from discrimination.


May 10, 2016

Bryan Fischer, the self-declared voice of Godly morality for the entire nation, has been caught in a baldfaced lie. In the process of criticizing the Washington Post for a story about the American Family Association he claims is inaccurate, he told this whopper:


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