August 1, 2019

We do not have a “national historian,” but E.W. Jackson, failed candidate for Lt. Governor of Virginia and a first class right-wing crackpot, said if he were president he would name Barton to that non-existent position. Given the pathological liar currently occupying the White House, Barton would just be a continuation of that record.


April 2, 2018

We’re used to hearing David Barton tell ridiculous lies. And we’re used to hearing David Barton make horribly stupid arguments. But this one? This tops them all. He says that if you believe in separation of church and state, you must also believe that Christians shouldn’t pay taxes.


February 9, 2018

Deranged anti-gay bigot and failed Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate Scott Lively wants his fellow wingnuts to start running for office, presumably so they can get less than 1% of the vote like he did. Along the way, he offers up some really, really bad history.


September 12, 2017

DavidBarton550x290It’s been one year since professional liar David Barton claimed to have an earned PhD, then pulled down the video where he made that claim after it was pointed out that his degree is from a diploma mill that awards them to Christian right stars and requires no work at all. Since then, he just doesn’t talk about it and refuses to answer questions about it or admit he doesn’t. “America’s premiere historian” can’t even keep his own history straight. Because lying is what he does.

December 3, 2016

Of all the Bryan Fischer awards I’ve given out, this might be the most jaw-dropping one yet. It’s like David Barton has finally reached peak David Barton. He actually had the audacity to say of another fake historian that if something he says is factually wrong, he should correct it.


September 6, 2016

David Barton has taken his blatant lie about having a PhD to a new level. Despite the fact that his own bio on his website does not claim any such degree, he is now billing himself on that website in his byline as “Dr. David Barton.”


August 19, 2016

Dan Cummins, one of the pastors at self-declared “prophet” Jim Garlow’s Skyline Church in San Diego, has an article in Charisma News where he reveals that Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan is a big fan of fake “historian” David Barton.


August 1, 2016

In a shocking turn of events, David Barton told a lie about American history last week. And this time it wasn’t about the founding fathers and religion. This time he claimed that the U.S. told the Japanese “exactly which cities we were going to bomb and when” before Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


July 14, 2016

David Barton has never, ever, admitted to being wrong about anything. Hell, he won’t even admit to saying the things he’s on record, on video, saying. When he’s accused of saying something outrageous, he just says he was quoted “out of context.”


July 7, 2016

Right Wing Watch again catches David Barton repeating a lie over and over again after it’s been proven to be a lie. This time it’s his claim that Justice Steven Breyer admitted that the due process guarantees in the Constitution “came out of the Bible.”


May 21, 2016

The Worldnetdaily has an article about Rafael Cruz addressing allegation from Donald Trump that he was somehow involved with the assassination of JFK. I really couldn’t care less about that, but these few paragraphs earn David Barton a Bryan Fischer Award:


May 19, 2016

Warren Throckmorton notes that Rick Green, David Barton’s co-host (and employee) on the Wallbuilders Live radio show, has begun introducing him on the show as “America’s premier historian.” No, seriously. With a straight face, apparently.


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