Coping with the Curveballs of Life

Coping with the Curveballs of Life March 23, 2011

We all have bad days. No good, horrible days. We give them romantic names like “Dark Night of the Soul.” There’s nothing really romantic about them though. They are about pain, misfortune, grief, loss, stress, powerlessness and despair. Sometimes it’s only a day. Sometimes it’s a season. Sometimes it’s part of our natural emotional cycle. Sometimes a whole constellation of events come together to make the most positive, sane, organized and capable person crack. At one time or another it happens to us all.

Courtesy rnav1234 via Flickr CC license

I’m having one of those days today. Given my druthers I’d curl up in bed with a book, house to myself, have a good cry and nap out the excess negativity. Take a day to heal my heart and soul. Yet I can’t banish the people from my life today, quiet and solitude are not possible, my e-mail inbox is overflowing and must be dealt with and napping just won’t happen.

So I’ve got country music twanging through my headphones and keep sending up prayers here and there for strength to do what needs to be done. As I push through this “slough of despair” knowing there is sunshine just ahead, I found myself wondering what other Pagans do when encountering these days? Do you pray? Meditate? Do you read soul-nourishing books? Do you play certain music? Do you eat certain foods? Do you limit your interactions with people? Do you seek out people? How do you do what needs to be done, regardless of the state of your soul?

How, as a Pagan, do you heal your heart when it’s in pain?

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