Samhain and S.A.D.

Samhain and S.A.D. October 31, 2011

Why do we love a season that makes us feel like crud? Even The Bloggess has been going through a funk and she’s made of awesome and rainbow ninjas sprinkled with sarcasm. I’m always tempted to hibernate through this time of year, and wake up at Yule. So although I have a lot to write about, I have been sternly warned I’m not allowed to go crazy. Instead of rushing about trying to pull together a post, take care of every e-mail, dot every i and cross every T, I’m going to spend some time today not going nuts and taking care of my own mental health.

So enjoy this video about the Great Pumpkin, and if you like, share your experience with S.A.D. Do you consider it a normal part of the season and just go with the flow? Do you try to treat it with natural or prescriptive remedies? Or do you just go a bit crazy, shake your fist, and, like Sally, demand restitution? (I’m guilty of the latter.)

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