Done, Dusted and On the Shelves!

Done, Dusted and On the Shelves! May 29, 2017

background-1098713_640Incubating a dream and giving birth to a book are—in my estimation—the same: neither can be forced or fabricated. And both tend to show up unannounced.

Drum roll: A (humble) Here’s to “yours truly” whose Debut Book has just been published!!


Do It Anyway: Deep Spirituality Meets Real Life 

It all started a few years ago when—for the heck of it—I decided toBook Image 2 start a Google Blog. I had no solid plan for what the blog was going to be about.

But I had a kick-ass cool title for it.

Pit Stop for the Spiritually Bamboozled — which incidentally was inspired by one of my favorite columns in Spirituality & Health Magazine, titled Roadside Assistance for the Spiritual Traveler by Rabbi Rami Shapiro.

If he could do it, so could I.

And the rest, as the fella would say, is history.

But not quite . .

After writing many articles on everything from Christ Consciousness and permaculture to the erotic energy of the Cosmos, I began writing for a number of other news media websites—all of which seemed to like my whimsical and provocative style.

Then one day a trusty friend and mentor commented, “You need to write a book . . you have a market, a following, and it will get picked up.”

For me, writing is more a process of discovering the book than planning it.

                                               Lois McMaster Bujold

I agree with Lois. I didn’t sit down and rigorously plan this newbie.

But I had an idea.

To quote myself from the book . .

From the outset it has been my intention to write a book that would be engaging, provocative, entertaining, personal, and inspirational. A book written in an unplugged, conversational, somewhat raw style: memoir interwoven with topical matters of public interest, world events and human idiosyncrasies filtered through a spiritual/moral lens; and a book with perhaps more existential questions for the reader to chew on than fabricated answers.

Tools of Communication‘ ~ Chapter 14

A Road Map

Allowing your Creative Writing “Spirit Guide” to show up willy-nilly is—to some extent—bohemian and cool. But an outline of where you may be going in your stream of consciousness is also very helpful.

As mentioned, I didn’t have this to begin within. But the deeper I got into the book I felt “prompted” to write, the more defined my loose road map became.

Then I knew there was no turning back.

So I wrote a book not knowing if it would ever be published. Because that’s what writers true to their craft do.

I’m glad I did. And with the intuitive and professional input of my editor, Kate Sheehan Roach (former Patheos Spirituality Channel Host and Sacred Stories OnAir Host), we brought this baby to birth.

I hope you enjoy it immensely. And that you feel inspired to share it around a bit . . Not to mention an Amazon review!!

Many thanks to all my readers, followers and supporters. You make it all worthwhile!

Cover Photo: Pixabay

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