Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! March 11, 2015

We got this recent feedback. Makes it all worth it when you hear messages like this:

Hello. I am not a Scientologist. I do want to say though, I have read so many books about Scientology and L. Ron Hubbard. I am sorry that your organization has to deal with so many attacks. After studying what I had available, I will not be seeing going Clear. I know one voice isn’t going to make a difference, but stay strong in your work and faith. Scientology from everything I have read does so much to help others. It is a shame that rather than focus on the amazing work of the Church of Scientology they would rather make money attacking it. Again, Scientology doesn’t need words from me, you are all very strong, devoted and know the true value you hold. I just wanted to convey my support of your organization. Thanks for listening.

I totally agree except for one thing. One voice DOES make a difference. Thank you for yours!


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