Blogging (and Marching) for All Life

Blogging (and Marching) for All Life January 25, 2013

To mark the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade this week, the blog of the USCCB (worth perusing in its own right) has featured guest posts by four Catholic women, myself included.  Lisa Hendey of Catholic Mom writes about the ways technology has informed our knowledge of prenatal life.  Mary DeTurris Poust of Not Strictly Spiritual relates what she has learned from her children’s reaction to the tragedy of abortion.  Sarah Vabulas of Catholic Drinkie reflects on the meaning of potential in every life.  Finally, my own post takes a slightly more philosophical approach, adding responsibility to others and priority of values to a discussion that has often gone in circles around questions of individual rights.  These contributions were posted successively from Tuesday January 22, the day of the anniversary, until Friday, January 25, the day of this year’s March for Life.

If I were attending the March for Life, I would be marching with the “For Peace & All Life meetup/march group” co-sponsored by several organizations dedicated to the consistent life ethic, including Consistent Life (a major umbrella network), Life Matters Journal (to which I’ve previously contributed some writing), and others.  I join in prayer and in hope with their witness to a culture of life in which nobody is dehumanized or dismissed as expendable, and in which no choice is valued more highly than any life.

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