December 28, 2011

What is living you? The Practice: Give over to good. Why? In every moment, you and I and everyone and everything else – from quantum foam to fleeting thoughts, intimate relationships, rainforest ecosystems, and the stars themselves – are each a kind of standing wave, like the ever-changing though persistent pattern of water rising above a boulder in a river. We are the result of multiple causes flowing through us. As Buckminster Fuller famously said, “I seem to be a... Read more

December 1, 2011

Studies show feeling cared about buffers against stress, increases positive emotions, promotes resilience, and increases caring for others. Plus it feels darn good. Read more

November 24, 2011

Friendliness takes a stand that is almost subversive these days: that the world has more opportunities than threats and that most people want the best for others. Read more

November 23, 2011

Each Thanksgiving holiday, we are reminded to be thankful. When times are tough, finding reasons to be thankful may be challenging or even seem inappropriate or impossible. This year, before we sit around the dinner table, let’s think about the myriad benefits to saying thanks, and how to truly savor the opportunity, no matter what. What do others give you? The Practice: Say thanks. Why? What do you feel when someone thanks you for something? For a comment in a... Read more

November 16, 2011

Compassion is natural; you don't have to force it - moments of compassion come in the flow of life. Try to open to compassion - including all beings, omitting none. Read more

August 17, 2011

Are we there yet? The Practice Relax, you’ve arrived. Why? We spend so much of our time trying to get somewhere. Part of this comes from our biological nature. To survive, animals – including us – have to be goal-directed, leaning into the future. It’s certainly healthy to pursue wholesome aims, like paying the rent on time, raising children well, healing old pain, or improving education. But it’s also important to see how this focus on the future – on... Read more

August 3, 2011

Just One Thing suggests a simple practice each week that will bring you more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind and heart. You can read more at Read more

July 7, 2011

What is an open heart? The Practice Put no one out of your heart. Why? We all know people who are, ah, . . . challenging. It could be a critical parent, a bossy supervisor, a relative who has you walking on eggshells, a nice but flaky friend, a co-worker who just doesn’t like you, a partner who won’t keep his or her agreements, or a politician you dislike. Right now I’m thinking of a neighbor who refused to pay... Read more

June 29, 2011

What Are They Feeling? The Practice Tune into others. Why? Imagine a world in which people interacted with each other like ants or fish. Imagine a day at work like this, or in your family, aware of the surface behavior of the people around you but oblivious to their inner life while they remain unmoved by your own. That’s a world without empathy. To me, it sounds like a horror film. Without empathy, there can be no real love, compassion,... Read more

June 22, 2011

Who are you prosecuting? The Practice Drop the case. Why? Lately I’ve been thinking about a kind of “case” that’s been running in my mind about someone in my extended family. The case is a combination of feeling hurt and mistreated, critique of the other person, irritation with others who haven’t supported me, views about what should happen that hasn’t, and implicit taking-things-personally. In other words, the usual mess. It’s not that I have not been mistreated – actually, I... Read more

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