Finding the God of Creation

Yet, can we be so foolish? Who has bewitched us? Christ will return and see which of his children are about the Father's business, which of the children are visiting the prisoner, caring for the orphan, providing for the "least of these," exhibiting the kingdom in their lives. Let us remember that many issues that impact creation have a direct impact on the people who must survive off of what the earth provides. 

Of course there is an equal number of people who say that having clean air, clean water, is simply too costly for us to achieve. The numbers don't add up. Can you imagine giving that rationale in the day we come before our Father, where each of us has to give an account. "I'm sorry, Lord, I knew I was supposed to show kindness, compassion, to be a good steward of your gifts, but the numbers didn't really add up in my life." I am sure this will be the testimony of some of us, but forbid it, Lord, that your people would be prone to this answer.

To help us get out of the mess we have made of creation, it will take godly people with a sense of integrity and responsibility. People with the type of work ethic and integrity not seen for a few decades in this country. We will need people of good will and character to show us new ways to live with the land without destroying it. 

Now there are some who will read this and simply think, Who cares? We are masters of our own destiny, we will do what we want when we want to, and in fact God ordained that we should have that kind of authority over the world.

I would simply respond with: Be forewarned, let us not boast in ourselves and our abilities and let us not assume that our behaviors please God.  Regularly depriving the earth of life is something for which we should be ashamed, not something we should celebrate.  If we engage in such callous behavior, it shows our lack of concern, not only for what God has made but also our lack of concern for God's purposes -- his purposes both for us and for the rest of creation.

11/18/2010 5:00:00 AM
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