Google+ Interviews- The New Shift in Internet Radio: 5 Lessons for a Successful Show

Google+ Interviews- The New Shift in Internet Radio: 5 Lessons for a Successful Show March 18, 2014


What do Spirit Guides, Dreams and Google+ have in common?

The answer is on my first interview on Google+ posted at the bottom of this article.


Doing a Google+ live show was fun and insightful but required mastering a new learning curve. Learning this new technology is worth your time because it is the new path of internet radio.  If you are promoting your area of expertise, you may be invited to do a Google+ radio show.


Host Chris One Feather’s questions lead me through the Sacred Dream Doors in my memory that I had no idea existed. He is a master interviewer and wonderful host. And, his co-host Marcella MacArthur has the patience of a saint. She guided me step-by-step through the necessities for a successful Google+ Interview—a platform with which I was unfamiliar.


Riding the new wave of ever-changing technology takes perseverance. Endeavor to Persevere. 


Here are  5 important lessons for success:

                  1. If things don’t go as planned the first time—try and try again. Don’t give up.

                  2. Make connections. It is easier to learn a skill from people with the skill.

                  3. Keep your sense of humor while learning new technology.

                  4. Cut out the picture of someone’s face from a magazine and tape it beside the camera on your computer. This will give your eyes a focus point for correct eye contact with your audience.

                   5. Speak to the picture as if it were your audience, because on some level it is.


Have you ever watched a Skype interview and thought it looked like the guest was looking down at their hands the whole time, or were looking around the room as if the walls were speaking to them? 


That is because they were looking at the host’s face in the bottom corner of the computer. It is natural for your eyes to search for a face to connect with while speaking. You may have also noticed this on Skyped in interviews on the evening news. Using lesson number five will help alleviate wandering  eyes or lap gazing.  Choosing a smiling picture may encourage you to smile on camera as well.



For radio hosts considering making the switch to Google + , a professional looking interview may require additional lighting and possibly a mounted camera. I was able to decrease surrounding noise by using my i-phone ear bud as a microphone.



Statistics show that video is the blogging and article choice for the future.



Blogs and articles may have a short written introduction and conclusion, but the body of the information source will be video. Many magazines have become multimedia to utilize this new trend. However, it is important to remember that the written information included with the video must be at least 300 words if you wish to attract the attention of search engine spiders. The previous requirement of  using only 200 words to write a blog , is now obsolete.  Times are changing.



It is reassuring that some written work is still required for videos, for those of us who are still writers at heart.


Enjoy the show.

Strategies to Contact with Your Spirit Guides Using The Sacred Dream Doors




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