There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.
– J.K. Rowling, novelist (Harry Potter), screenwriter, and film producer
Storytime is the enjoyable way important information has been handed down from one generation to the next, from the time of cave dwellers gathered beneath the stars, to the time of Jesus and his disciples, to today huddled around our computers. Stories are captivating! Stories connect us to the information highway that travels what Dr. Albert Einstein defined as the Time Continuum. Storytelling is our obligation to the next generation. So here we go. Once upon a time….
…Formulas and recipes could be difficult to understand and remember. Yet, when told in story form, they showed us how things like medicinal teas, creams, and Wellness worked in an easy-to-remember way that most people could understand. Formulas were and still are an essential part of our life source of health and Wellness rather than living with illness.
What has changed? New formulas are focused on Wellness rather than illness.
Focusing on formulas to live with a disease and handle illness has become the new norm and the money-making formula for many aspects of our medical communities…but not all of them. What if… a Four-Fold Formula for All things Wellness existed that was easy enough for most people to understand. The wait is over.
Dr. Markus Wettstein and Coach Peggy Willms have developed The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness for everyone who wants to be empowered by the new focus on WELLNESS.
During a VIDEO Podcast interview on the Dreaming Healing Show titled, It’s Wellness Storytime #3 with guests Coach Peggy Willms, Dr. Pat Baccili, and James Redfield, author of The Celestine Prophecy who wrote the FOREWORD to the book The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness, true stories of the heart, spirit mind, and body were shared. During the show, James Redfield explained his personal quote in the book,
“In fact, I believe we are now reaching a consensus about dumping the idea of sickness altogether and replacing it with WELL-NESS…as a primary goal in life.”~James Redfield
The book also explains the importance of your mindset, an essential part of your health, healing, and Wellness.
In CHAPTER 3: MIND~ Thoughts Become Things, Coach Peggy and Dr. Markus discuss how your mindset is a “set” of thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, and rules you have learned or developed. The memories of the most influential people or events we have been exposed to sit in our mind “set.” Your mindset is a sponge, and your “mind” has absorbed all those mindset thingamabobs.”
Your mindset tells your mind what to do and feel. Your mind is trained by your mind “set.”
What is your attitude when it comes to creating a solid mindset? Are you a pessimist or an optimist? What is your attitude about embedding new habits? What actions do you take with work, life, and play?
Coach Peggy says, “My adult sons frequently call me out for my mindset. ‘Mom, you need to show us you cry more or that you fail. Not everything is like riding a unicorn or sliding down rainbows.’” They know I firmly believe each of us is responsible for our attitude and presentation style. Regardless of the situation, we have a conscious choice in how we acknowledge and react to situations. Do I have bad days? Hell yeah, but choose to look at every cup as three-quarters full. And I own my mindset.”
There are even Bible Verses for Maintaining a Healthy Body · 1) 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit…”
This chapter is about designing strategies and utilizing tools to improve your health and Wellness. Dr. Markus Wettstein and Coach Peggy Willms go on to explain how The MIND Chapter has stories about Learning, Personal Awareness and Growth, Home Environment (Approaches, Strategies, Routines), Habits (Organization, Planning), and Work Environment (Time Management, Education, Finance, Job Satisfaction). Here are a few of these references.
Repetitive Actions = Habits
Calm the Chaos – Take Yucky to Yay
Breakdowns = Breakthroughs
Learn it – Master it – Live it.
Everyone’s ability to learn can be affected by their learning styles. That is why stories are such an incredible teaching tool, no matter the age group, socioeconomic level, or learning capability.
Stories are the teaching tool thread that binds and runs through all time, space, and the progress of humanity.
The Dreaming Healing Show Interview Video Podcast Link is available below for your viewing pleasure.
If you loved this show, check out this previous show of All Things Wellness #2
Photo Credit:
Peggy, Willms EHWLC and Markus Wellstein MD, The Four-Fold Formula for All Things Wellness: publisher- Wellness Book Endeavors, August 31, 2022
About the Author: Kathleen (Kat) O’Keefe-Kanavos: aka The Queen of Dreams Syndicated Columnist, PR Guru, VIDEO Podcaster/Show Host Dreaming Healing, 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor, multi-award-winning author, and Dream Expert seen on Dr. Oz, DOCTORS, NBC, & CBS. Divine Dreams diagnose her illness. Kat and Duke U Radiologist Dr. Larry Burk co-wrote, (2018 Nautilus Award Winner) Dreams That Can Save Your Life. She’s an Author/Publisher/Lecturer/Inspirational Keynote who promotes patient advocacy and connecting with Divine-guidance through Dreams. “Don’t tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is.” Learn more @