Yes, Would You Accept Your Blessings if They Appeared Today?
Here’s a question for you. If there was something that you have desired, like a better job, or a loving relationship, how would you react if I told you, “Your perfect job has come through! You begin work tomorrow!” Or “The love of your life is standing right outside your door! Go and open it!”
How many of you would say, “Great! I’m ready to begin my new life!” Or how many of you would say, “Wait just a minute! I’m not ready! I need new clothes, I need to lose 10 pounds, I need to know more about this new job/this new love…” Be honest. How many of you would be ready to embrace your new gifts?
Probably Only 50% of You Would Accept Your Blessings
In all honesty, I believe that less than 50% of you would accept your blessings if they suddenly appeared. You have spent so many years wrapped in your familiar cloak of lack and limitation that it’s become like your second skin. And let’s face it: we all hate change! Yet life is about change! That’s why you are here! To experience new things.
Many of my friends complained to me that they were very unhappy in their job. And when I encouraged them to look for a better job, they gave me a long list of reasons WHY they should keep their current job. Most of their reasons for staying in their dead-end job were fear-based:
- The economy is bad and it’s not a good time to change jobs.
- I’m not qualified to do anything else.
- I might be jumping from the frying pan into the fire…
- The excuses go on and on.
Fear Causes Us to Resist Accepting Our Blessings
Yet God understands our human tendency to give in to fear. So, He directs the Universe to create a situation that is just too unbearable to allow it to continue. I’ve seen it happen with jobs, or with relationships.
My friend Julie really liked her job. She was a team leader in a government job that involved computer work. She tried to explain it to me, but it was way over my head! As much as she enjoyed her job, she was feeling like she had reached her peak of performance with that job and was ready for a job that allowed her to utilize more of her skills and talents.
When I suggested that she look for another job, she balked at the idea. She had spent 12 years at this job and loved the people she worked with. I knew it wasn’t time for her to spread her wings just yet. So, I suggested that we turn to God for guidance. If it was for her highest and best good to move on, then God would show her.
God Guided Her to a Better Job that She Loves!
And God did show her. Within the month her boss, whom she adored, retired. And the new boss (who I believe was intimidated by her) began to give her a hard time on every suggestion she made or every project she was working on. Her job became intolerable, which forced her to think about finding another job.
When she told me what was going on at work with her new boss, I smiled and said, “Well, you asked God to help you decide what is for you highest and best good. So why don’t you call that company that contacted you last year to see if they are still interested in hiring you.”
The company hired her, and she has been on Cloud Nine ever since! She is making much more money, traveling all over the world, utilizing her amazing computer skills and working as Team Leader for a group that loves her! She still shakes her head at how quickly God responded to her request. And I reminded her of the Bible verse of 2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
I Was Also Afraid to Accept a New Opportunity
The same thing happened to me. Years ago, I worked as an on-site sales agent for a nationwide homebuilder. I loved helping young couples buy their first house, and I was doing well, making a very good income. As a matter of fact, I was their top sales agent in the entire United States, thanks to Guidance from God on how to help people with their first home.
And then a residential land developer I knew from my previous years of working as Vice President of a residential homebuilding company offered me a wonderful opportunity. He wanted me to become a homebuilder. Me? A homebuilder? I was shocked that he even thought I could do it.
So, he explained that my previous experience with a major homebuilder prior to my on-site sales job gave me the skills needed to run the business. And he would find a superintendent to oversee the construction of the homes. I would only have to pay him when the house was finished. He even offered to let me build on the lots in his new subdivision and not pay for them until the sale closed.
I Immediately Fell into Fear
Wow! I was stunned that this man had that kind of confidence in me. I certainly didn’t! So, I told him I would think about it and immediately turned it over to God. I admit that I was wallowing in so much fear, wondering what would happen to my developer friend if I couldn’t deliver. I knew that God had always guided me into the best career move, and I knew that he would guide me to do what was for my Highest and Best Good.
It’s truly amazing how quickly God responds to our requests. The next week I was called into the office of my Sales Manager. He started the conversation by telling me what a fabulous job I had done for the company over the previous 2 years, and then he started hemming and hawing…leaving me to wonder just what this was all about.
God Moved Quickly – I Had My Answer!
My Sales Manager finally took a deep breath and said, “Just let me spit it out, Kathy. The owners think that you are making too much money, and they are going to cut your commission percentage.” I responded, “Do they understand WHY my commissions are so high? It has to do with the number of houses I sold, more than anyone else in the country, or don’t they get that?”
He said, “I know. And I think this stinks.” But I had already tuned him out.
Well, what do you know? I asked God to help decide if becoming a homebuilder was in my highest and best good, and I got my answer! I stood up and said, “OK, Steve, I know this isn’t your fault, but I quit. Please accept my two weeks’ notice and then I’m gone. It’s time I go to work for myself.”
I’m Always Ready to Accept God’s Blessings!
I’m so grateful that I know I can turn to God when I’m not sure what to do. I trust that He will always guide me to what is for my highest and best good. And my faith has served me well over the years. He guided me into homebuilding, which was great until I had to deal with unethical and undisciplined subcontractors.
And when I decided being a homebuilder wasn’t for me and asked God for guidance, two major homebuilders recruited me to become a Loan Officer for a mortgage company and handle the loan applications for their buyers.
And from there, I was guided into my true love – teaching. If you just ask for Guidance, and then be willing to release your fear, you too can go for your dreams!