Fits of Domesticity!

Fits of Domesticity! April 7, 2011

Fits of Domesticity 001Well, I planted lettuce last evening! I did a cut-and-come-again mix called mesclun. I bought the seeds yesterday at Wal-Mart on a whim. The pot was originally going to be a little herb garden for by the sink in the kitchen, but I was suddenly motivated to do something entirely different. I love fresh mixed salad, and just don’t ever eat ice-berg lettuce any more, if I can help it. If you’ve never tried mesclun I highly recommend it. Some places even have it in bags now, and I used to buy it in bulk at the Outpost Food Co-Op in Milwaukee when I lived there years ago.

Fits of Domesticity 002But while I was taking this picture, I noticed a little something extra that I didn’t see even just a couple of days ago. These cute violas are already up and at ’em! I’d bought a planter box of them last year for my daughter, whose middle name is Viola, and it looks like they self-seeded into the yard around where the box was located on our porch. How cute! Spring might be here after all! Then maybe we’ll get some SUN!

And despite the fact that, according to a text message I received this morning, it’s “No Housework Day,” I’ve got a lot to get done. I’m surprised there isn’t a special lobbying effort by Martha Stewart to get that one removed from the calendar. I guess even she figures that sometimes people who tend to be Obsessive-Compulsive about things like that need something official to get them to take a break. Since I’m not fond of doing house work anyway, though, I had actually made plans to get some done today, only to discover that there was even such a thing as No Housework Day.

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