It Struck A Chord: While You Were Talking About Gungor, Frisco, And Walsh

It Struck A Chord: While You Were Talking About Gungor, Frisco, And Walsh August 16, 2014

Via CBS News

I ran across this article this morning compliments of Grace Sandra.

The author, a white Christian man, takes on talking about racial injustice and the white Christian response to things like the situation unfolding in #Ferguson.

What he shared resonated and I felt led to say this on my personal Facebook:

Sometimes our cultural reality forces us to live in a vacuum where we fail to see the struggle others live through. I am grateful for my white friends, regardless of faith, who see that yet another brown boy robbed of his life is as much their fight as mine. 

For those who would dare insist racism is hyped up or even dead, open up your eyes and pay attention to people who DON’T look like you. Step out of your bubble, tune into the (non Fox) news and see the pain so many of us are bearing. You are desperately needed in this fight to combat this evil, oppressive monster we call racial injustice. Instead of debating about heaven and hell, do the hard work of dismantling the hell people live through every day. 

We are not in a time where we can ignore the plight of others, especially as believers. Working to look more like Jesus demands we not only speak on the hard issues but put in the work to see people freed from what binds them.
I pray that people, especially those privileged enough to not go through certain struggles, turn to their brothers and help them carry the crosses they bear.

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