College Age Christians: Biblical Practices for the Day in 2023

College Age Christians: Biblical Practices for the Day in 2023 August 28, 2023

Keep Trusting Him.

As a college student about to graduate this upcoming spring, there are so many thoughts I have constantly swirling around my head:

What do I do after I graduate? Who will my friends be? What will my health be like? How will my relationship with God be when I’m done with this semester? You know… just the casual, everyday questions everyone asks themselves from time to time.

No big deal… right?

Faith as a College-Aged Adult in 2023

I have asked myself these questions countless times, and I am confident I am not the only student my age wondering what life will be like after leaving college.

If some were in my place, they might say that they felt they wasted their college years studying and working when many others were out partying and enjoying their freedom with their friends.

However, while my peers may find this perspective to be true, and I am not wishing to disrespect this in any way, what I truly see in people my age nowadays is the unshakeable truth:

I see how truly heartbroken they are when they are constantly met with disappointment and confusion when they are supposedly living the “best years of their life”.

So the question remains… how can we as Christian college-aged adults live life during our “best years” in a Biblical sense, while also not compromising the experiences that shape us into the God-honoring men and women we were meant to be?

Biblically Living the College Life

I can only speak for myself and a handful of people who I have had the pleasure of speaking to on this matter, but I have a strong feeling that you are at a crossroads with yourself where you are unsure how to live according to the principles of the Bible while also creating memories in your young adult years.

Here are just a few of the practices I have started to adopt into my own life that I feel may help you begin your journey in living for Jesus:

Morning Worship & Prayer

Every morning, even if it is only for a brief minute or if it is for an hour, I try to start my day by at least having my first thought be about God. Now don’t get me wrong, I have days where honestly I forget to do it or I just don’t feel like doing so…

But trust me when I say that the mornings that I do sit up in my bed and just simply read my devotional, there is always something in my day that gives me a reminder of what I read that morning. Whether it is a text from a friend, a butterfly fluttering past me, or the sense of calm I feel, I can be reminded of God’s presence throughout my day, even if I only took a short 5 minutes with him early in the morning.

To God, it is not about quantity… It’s about quality.

Filtering Mind, Body, and Spirit

One aspect of my practice in walking with Jesus is walking a walk and talking a talk that would bring Honor to God’s kingdom.

For some, they joke about Christians wearing crosses around their necks or carrying a Bible with them wherever they go, or even having a Bible verse in their Instagram bio (trust me… I was guilty as charged for all three of these things at one point or another).

Yet, one thing that I have implemented for myself which people have questioned me on is the fact that I do not curse. There are times when I am tempted to let a word or two out, believe me… but throughout my day, I do what I can to not let anything that does not honor the Lord slip out of my mouth, or let anything into my ears that dishonors Him.

And to be honest, I feel this is one of the most difficult things to do, especially on a college campus. But if I can say anything, just simply try to minimize the distractions of the words flowing in and out of you… You will be shocked at the level of peace you will see in yourself.

Quiet Time

Finally, at the end of my day, I like to come home from my school or internship and simply take 5 minutes – just 5 minutes! – to just breathe.

No, I do not mean yoga (which will be another subject for another time), and I do not mean grabbing a wine bottle and having a couple of glasses.

Rather than rolling out a mat or sipping my troubles away (and no judgment here if that is your way of releasing your troubles!), I simply want to sit in the sunlight in silence. It allows me to clear my mind from the burdens of this world, and refocus on the blessings God has given me.

As TerKeurst says in her quote, “God does some of His best work behind the scenes. In the quiet. – In unknown ways”.

Even when we can’t see how He is working in our lives, He is. Even when we as young Christian adults may be ridiculed for being called to be set apart from this world, we know that God isn’t moving. He is the same God yesterday, today, and forevermore.

God does some of His best work in you, even if you do not feel qualified to do so. Spend time with Him.







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