From Hard Right to Left; From Hate to Love

From Hard Right to Left; From Hate to Love January 12, 2023

I’ve been asked by many, “Julie, why have you shifted in theology and politics from conservative trad fundie Catholic circles to progressive urban Catholicism? It was simple; hatred drove me out of hard-core fundie Catholic conservatism and the Republican party while love drew me into progressive urban Catholicism, the Democratic party, Social Justice, and Catholic Social Teaching.  The reasons for shifting both theologically and politically were many listed below.

First, the unconditional support for Donald Trump under all and any circumstances was indeed disturbing. In short, trad fundie conservative circles have been willing to usher in fascism and forsake the vulnerable collective for 50 years in exchange for the fruitless attempt to “end abortion.”  The Religious Right/Catholic Right has exchanged  life-giving services and safety for millions of Americans over 50 years: disability, nationalized healthcare (not socialized), Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, WIC, food stamps, living wages, gun safety, environmental safety, etc….and has called these safety nets and safety precautions “Socialism” or even “Communism” yet the USA is the richest country in the world who can well-afford to care for the most vulnerable in our society, and we can well-afford to keep our citizens safe. No matter how much abuse, coercion, lies, conspiracies, and even violence and death which were required to “get their man elected,” this is what the Religious Right/Catholic Right has done. And now Donald Trump is on trial for four criminal indictments.  I think the fruitless attempt to “end abortion” at all and any cost is not about the Sanctity of Life but the subjugation of women.  We will know what is true by its fruits.

Second, I shifted left because I love all people, not just some people.  Exclusion and “othering the other” appear to be core and central to conservative religious fundamentalist circles.

Third, the denial of science and history were a “biggie” for me as a disability practitioner. From vaccines to neuroscience to history, science-denial, anti-intellectualism, and trying to enforce scientific and historical denial on others to the point of endangerment appears to be front and center to conservative religious fundie circles. I experienced this when attempts were made to keep me from the COVID vaccine, someone who has Parkinson’s Disease and serves medically-fragile children as a disability practitioner.

Fourth, religious fundies have decided for themselves who is damned and who is saved.  Sorry folks, this is God’s duty, not ours.

Fifth, the Religious Right/Catholic Right declared/declares war by-force on the secular world through political power and other means. The attitude I’ve seen is, “If you don’t live up to our standards, we will force you or take you down.”

Sixth is cultural and racial (white) supremacy. Nothing showed this to be more evident in the way people voted. I heard countless times, “You can’t be a Catholic/Christian and vote for pro-choice Democrats or any Democrat”  OK, tell that to 76 percent of Hispanic Catholics/other Christians, 95% percent of Black Catholics/other Christians, and 97% of Native American Christians/Catholics who are all Democrats and never vote Republican. To say they “cannot be Christians/Catholics and be Democrat” is saying they cannot be their own race and culture and be Christian/Catholic. This is pure and unadulterated racism.

Last, I hear, Julie, I am just expressing my opinion because I have that right. I reply with, “I will not argue someone’s right-to-life outside the womb, their human dignity, or following the vast majority of doctors/medical science in a given field, including history.  This is where we are arguing someone’s right to exist or their basic human rights that we all share. I see attempts to justify the endangerment of people in these areas and the anger projected towards those trying to prevent further endangerment to marginalized populations. Debate over these life and death matters is not an option for me. Jesus and the Catholic Church would never approve of endangering someone’s life at any stage and/or health and human dignity to enforce doctrine.”





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