Experiencing the dangers of Donald Trump and watching the battle between the progressive left and conservative right laity and clergy from within the Catholic Church are some of the best and worst things I’ve ever experienced. If you want to see the “central brewing hub” of Christian Nationalism and what happens when people (mainly men) try to use and abuse the church for political gain, watch the battle between the Catholic progressive social justice wing and the ultra-traditionalist conservative Catholics from within the institutional Catholic Church. These super-conservative circles combined with the most powerful patriarchy in the world buck Pope Francis’s reforms to move the Church out of the dark ages because they want control over the church and the country, and/or they are clinging to their ideals from the past.
The American Catholic Church is like a microcosm of American society. I had my eyes opened to how evil Donald Trump is and the fullness of what was happening in American society because of what I witnessed and am still witnessing from within the Catholic Church. Experiencing this difficult battle gave me a complete and full reality of just how dangerous a second Trump term would be and what happens to minority groups when they are marginalized, particularly LGBTQ+ people.
I thank God every day for the social justice wing of the Catholic Church, liberal laity, liberal clergymen, and liberal nuns because they truly reflect the love of Christ and the Gospel. These liberals in the Catholic Church were able to see the encroaching dangers of Christian Nationalism/Christofascism years before most Americans. The Social Justice arm of the Catholic Church also loved me into becoming a liberal because it much better reflects the love of Christ over anything on the conservative end. I conclude that the liberals were experiencing the inner workings of Christian Nationalism/Christofascism and battling it long before it was even a true threat to American society.
Most of you know that Trump and Christian Nationalism are dangerous. If you want to witness just how bad it is and where this religious-political toxin is brewed, you can join me for a day and watch the Catholic Right in action. If you want to witness the true love of Christ and real Christianity, come and witness the social justice wing/the liberals of the Catholic Church who are actively doing works of charity and fighting systems of oppression through groups such as Pax Christi and Network. This inner battle is why I have two toes in the Church on a good day and one toe in the Church on a bad day because lives, particularly LGBTQ+ lives, depend on open and vocal allies.