Thinking, Choosing, and Feeling.

Thinking, Choosing, and Feeling. December 29, 2014

“We humans tend to think first, then feel, then choose. While this is very common, it is not what God wants for us as we live by faith in Jesus Christ. Instead, the Healer would have us think, then choose, then feel what we may. This is what it means to walk by faith, not by sight or feeling. We shouldn’t wait to feel that something is true before we choose to walk by it. Our emotions may or may not ever line up perfectly with the Healer’s truth about us. Nevertheless, we can discard error and choose to walk by truth in the moment. And it is truth, not emotion, that sets us free to experience God’s healing in our lives. There is a doorway to our mind, and there is a doorknob on the door. We choose what we let through the doorway. The Healer wants us to know that we can take any thought captive, making it submissive to Jesus and his healing truth about us.”

(from “The Hurt and the Healer”)

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