August 4, 2018

 I have spent the majority of my life, yes; even my childhood, asking “what if”. As I sit here this morning I find God whispering to me to stop worrying about the what ifs and trust Him. The problem is I am struggling with wrapping my mind around what the future holds. What does it look like and where will I be? Is it going to go the way I want it to? Will I be what I thought I... Read more

May 20, 2018

I’m sitting here debating if I should write a blog, because it’s been a while and it seems that I have written about this topic before, but God has put it on my heart and the sermon at church this morning was similar to what has been on my heart. That’s usually a sign for me to write, so here goes nothing. The book of 1 Samuel chapter 8 talks about Samuel telling the Israelites that a king would not... Read more

February 17, 2018

 I want to talk about a sensitive subject, especially with ladies, and that subject is weight. I am not going to lie and say I have always had weight problems, I was small growing up. I wanted to be taller and weigh more so I could be a better athlete. I wanted to more strength, but that didn’t come until I was grown. Now, I do have a weight problem, you may look at me and say no you don’t,... Read more

January 21, 2018

Vision. This has been the key word in my Pastor’s sermons this month. It’s a great word to focus on as we start the new year, and like the majority of his sermons I have been forced to think on this keyword. Pastor has asked, “what is your vision, your vision for your family?” So, what is my vision?       I already shared my word with you; which is others, but what about my vision. What does that look like and... Read more

January 2, 2018

       It’s that time of year, you know it’s cold out and nobody wants to go out in it. We sit around complaining about it being cold and summer needs to be here this afternoon. I am one of those people, I can only handle the cold and being cooped up for so long then I’m ready for warm weather. There is a season for everything, the Bible tells us that, but could you imagine if we didn’t... Read more

December 31, 2017

       Good Riddance to 2017! This year hasn’t been the worst but it has been a tough year. I had many blessings this year but the last half of the year has been hard. Between being sick off and on, hurting my ankle, which still hasn’t completely healed, and struggling emotionally I can’t wait to say goodbye to 2017. I’m thankful that God gives us a new year, to start fresh, to change, to grow, to keep moving... Read more

November 21, 2017

“Sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can.” ~ Becca Fitzpatrick There are many sayings about finding the good in the bad or taking the good with the bad. It is true that we can not live this life without both good and bad circumstances. Life wouldn’t truly be lived if everything good happened and nothing bad ever happened. You could ask,  if nothing bad happened to you then did you really live?       Life is full of ups... Read more

November 20, 2017

       Time for some honesty. The kind of honesty I really don’t like to share. Why? It allows people to judge me even more than they already do, but God has shown me time and time again that others benefit when we are open with our lives. So, here goes nothing.        I have been struggling these past four months, like really struggling. Depression seems to be lurking and waiting to pull me in to the... Read more

August 26, 2017

     I went on my third mission trip this summer and I was still nervous leading up to the trip. Before I go on these trips I spend time praying and part of my prayer is for God to reveal to me what my purpose is for going on this trip, besides loving on others. If you allow God he will work on you as he’s working through you to help others and that is what I wanted to... Read more

June 27, 2017

Dear Younger Me….. In Jennie Allen’s book, Nothing To Prove, she asks, “What is one thing you would tell your younger self?” As I sit here, looking out at the sea, enjoying the eclectic sounds of the cruise, I’m pondering what is the ONE thing I would tell my younger self. What is the one thing that would help me back then and still produce fruit today and well into the future? What is something that would impact my family,... Read more

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