Planetary Illuminations: Astrological forecast for July 2014

July astrological forecast
Mandala by Paul Heussenstam

7/1   Mercury turns direct
7/3   Mercury trine North Node
7/4   Sun opposite Pluto
7/7   Venus sextile Uranus
7/8   Venus square Chiron
Sun square Uranus
Sun trine Saturn
7/9   Sun trine Chiron
7/12  Mars conjunct Ceres
Venus trine Ceres
Full Moon 20 Capricorn, 7:25 am
7/13  Mercury enters Cancer
Venus trine Mars
Venus trine North Node
Mars conjunct North Node
7/15  Ceres conjunct North Node
7/16  Jupiter enters Leo
Sun square North Node
Sun square Ceres
7/18  Venus enters Cancer
7/19  Mercury trine Neptune
Sun square Mars
7/21  Uranus turns retrograde
7/22  Mercury opposite Pluto
Sun enters Leo
7/24  Venus trine Neptune
Sun conjunct Jupiter
Mercury square Uranus
Mercury trine Saturn
7/25  Mercury trine Chiron
Mars enters Scorpio
7/26 New Moon 3 Leo, 6:42 pm
7/28  Venus opposite Pluto
Mercury square North Node
7/30  Mercury square Ceres
7/31  Mercury enters Leo

All dates and times are for Eastern time zone, please adjust for your own locality.


There is a great deal of planetary energy in July, but most of it involves the faster moving planets and smaller cycles.  There are no big alignments of the major players right now which makes this more of an adjustment period than anything else.

The T-square configuration involving Mars, Uranus and Pluto which created so much disruption in June is beginning to diminish as the planets move farther apart, and you will feel much of the intensity beginning to settle down.  The Uranus/Pluto square is still very much with us, however (see the sidebar for more information on this major cycle), so this period of change is not yet complete.

Mercury turns direct on July 1st after three weeks in retrograde motion.  The combination of Mercury retrograde with the big Mars pattern has created a great deal of tension which will be moving away.   However, Uranus will turn retrograde later in the month so we will still have five planets in retrograde (see this earlier article for more information about the importance of retrograde planets).

Jupiter enters the sign of Leo on the 16th.  I’ll be writing more about Jupiter in Leo over the next few days, but this is a major shift (Jupiter changes signs about once a year).  Jupiter represents the expansive principle and the beliefs that give our life meaning.  It is associated with religion, philosophy, publishing, and optimism and in Leo all of that positive energy is focused into Leo’s focus on creative self expression.

Before Uranus turns retrograde on the 21st it will slow down to a crawl and its energy will be more intense.  Uranus demands that we release anything from our lives that is stale or keeping us from living an authentic life.  Revolutionary activity will be heightened throughout the month of July and we will likely feel more rebellious and less tolerant of restrictions.

Essentially, the month of July is a good time for rest and reflection and integration of changes that have occurred over the past few years so that we are prepared for the next phase of planetary influences.  A harmonious trine from Saturn (the Teacher) to Chiron (the Healer) over the next few months will help to smooth out any rough edges.

July details

Mercury turns direct on July 1st.  Typically once Mercury changes directions it takes a few days to a week for our focus to become more clear, but Mercury is in Gemini now where it is very adaptable.  This will be helpful in getting our lives moving on a forward track once again, especially since Mercury aligns in a harmonious trine with the North Node (future destiny) on the 3rd, helping to facilitate our forward progress in our evolutionary journey.

On July 4th the Sun (illumination) opposes Pluto (depth and transformation) and for a day or two the solar light will unlock the hidden mysteries of the psyche that keep us separated from our true selves.

This inward journey will be helpful over the next few days as our relationships are opened up with a harmonious sextile from Venus to Uranus (innovation and change) which brings new energy into our interactions, but also more emotional with a challenging square from Venus to Chiron (wounding and healing).  The Sun harmonizes with both Saturn and Chiron, right now, making it easier to take responsibility and handle difficult emotions, , but it also is challenged by Uranus.  This is a lot of conflicting energies for such a short time, so be prepared to be forced to stretch, to open up closed areas of the mind and spirit, and to understand more about both yourself and the people in your lives.

Ceres is activated on July 12th by both Mars (assertive energy) and Venus (indulgence).  Ceres brings our attention to the nourishment of our soul and our bodies and the relationship of the food we eat to the balance of our body, mind and spirit.

This activation of Ceres is embedded in the chart for the Capricorn Full Moon on the 12th, making this an important time to be conscious of the food that we eat and the general approach to self-care that we take.  This Full Moon is very like an eclipse in that the lunation (the Sun and Moon) are in a tight square to the lunar nodes.  (In an eclipse the Sun and Moon are conjunct the nodes.)  Because the nodes are symbols of our evolutionary journey from the past (South Node) to the future (North Node), there is a fated quality to eclipses that is also present when the lunar nodes are in a square (90 degrees) to the Sun and Moon.

This eclipse-type experience is made more intense by the fact that Mars (action) is conjunct the North Node, awakening our desire to pursue a clear path to our destiny rather than become distracted by meaningless detours.   Fortunately Venus harmonizes with both Mars and the North Node, bringing a beautiful shining light to illuminate the path and clear confusion.

Mercury moves into the emotional sign of Cancer on the 13th and for the next few weeks our thoughts and communication (Mercury) will be more emotionally driven, with more concern for family and loved ones.

Jupiter enters Leo on the 16th (see above).

Venus (relating) joins Mercury (communication) in Cancer on the 18th, so expect the people around you to be more emotional and for reason to take a back seat to the heart over the next few weeks.

A harmonious trine from Mercury to Neptune (spirituality, arts) on the 19th is wonderful for creativity or spiritual exploration.  Meditation, painting, music – all of these awaken the soul and bring us closer to an experience of the Divine that Neptune inspires.  A challenging square from the Sun to Mars on that same day will provide energy and motivation to help to kickstart a new project or generate the oomph that you may have been waiting for.

An opposition from Mercury (the mind) to Pluto (intensity) on the 22nd will inspire a desire to know more – to understand more – to dive below the surface and see what lies beneath.  This is a good day for deep discussions and psychotherapy.  The Sun enters Leo that day which will brighten the darkness of Pluto and help inspire creativity and a sense of fun.

The next few days are packed with planetary energies.  Venus trines with Neptune to enhance creativity and a sensitive connection to Universal Love, the Sun aligns with Jupiter to expand our confidence and faith in life, Mercury connects to Uranus, Saturn AND Chiron, making these few days very active mental days.

Mars enters Scorpio on the 25th just in time for the New Moon.  Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio and works well in that sign – the powerful energy of Mars is even stronger when expressed through the intensity of Scorpio.   Mars will remain in Scorpio until mid-September.

The New Moon on the 25th is in the sign of Leo and both the Sun and Moon align with Jupiter.  When the Moon is new, the Sun and Moon unite to fuse the solar conscious energies with the lunar instincts and awaken something brand new in human consciousness.  Leo inspires the soul to burst out in a creative expression of the Divine Self – there is a joy that transcends ordinary happiness which comes from true self understanding.

Jupiter has newly entered Leo and that sense of heart-opening and an expanding thirst for joy is fresh and new, perfect for this Leo New Moon.  My favorite symbol for Leo is that of the Divine Child – the innocent part of ourselves that still believes in magic and happiness and is unafraid of exposure or criticism.

Our relationships (Venus) are intensified and made more challenging for a day or two thanks to an opposition to Pluto on the 28th.  Secrets will be revealed, and we will have the opportunity to observe a greater Truth in all of our relationships.

Mercury enters Leo on the 31st, joining the Sun, Moon and Jupiter.  With four planets in Leo it will be much easier to find a way to develop our ability to open up our hearts and allow our brilliant selves to be really seen.  Leo is ruled by the Sun, and under its influence we seek to become our very best Self and find a way for others to see that brilliance as well.

After the New Moon, this Leo influence will be very powerful.  We can prepare for this by gathering our talents and discovering all of the things that we love to do and which bring our lives real joy.  The power of the Sun and Jupiter will help all of those positive things to blossom in all of our lives.

All dates and times are for Eastern time zone, please adjust for your own locality.