A day with Dharmaruci

A day with Dharmaruci May 30, 2010

This has been an amazing trip so far!! Today Dharmaruci and Vajramala hosted Rich and I and our friends Dianne and David for a delicious lunch on their courtyard. It was lots of fun meeting DR after corresponding for about five years. Many of you will recognize Dharmaruci from his Astrotabletalk blog (linked in the sidebar), another of my favorites and most sympatico to this one.

There was a debate a couple of years ago whether DR’s rising sign was Virgo, Leo or Libra – I’m pleased to be able to confirm that it’s definitely Leo! He is a very entertaining guy and lots of fun to hang out with.

From here Rich and I head off to Cornwall for more magical adventures. Meanwhile I hope you are enjoying the menu of posts I prepared for you!

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