Addicted to technology

Addicted to technology March 18, 2010

iphone addictionI’ve written about this before, but we have seen a huge surge of technology addiction since Uranus entered Pisces back in 2002, creating what we call a “mutual reception” with Neptune in Aquarius.  We call this “mutual reception” because Uranus is traveling through Pisces, the sign that is ruled by Neptune, and Neptune is in Aquarius, the sign that is ruled by Uranus.  This is a “double whammy” that connects the principles of Uranus and Neptune.

Uranus rules technology and anything new and unusual, along with radical change and the rational mind.  Neptune rules our experience of spirituality, the imagination and creativity, and the desire to lose the Self in something greater than ourselves.  With Neptune we can become addicted to that experience of losing ourselves, especially if it is pleasurable and helps us to forget (Neptune) our day-to-day life.  Uranus demands a constantly changing experience and becomes easily bored.

And then here comes the Iphone, a fabulous combination of beautiful design (Neptune) with the latest technology (Uranus).  I resisted the lure of the Iphone for over two years because of my dislike for the “evil empire” that Apple has become, but a couple of months ago I fell prey to its siren song of apps for everything and an enhanced experience of Life 2.0.  I carry my Iphone everywhere: I listen to podcasts in the bathroom, I read books on the Kindle app, I piddle around on the piano and the hammered dulcimer.  It really has become an extension of my life!

So I wasn’t surprised to read that Stanford scientists have found that the Iphone really is addictive.  But it’s not just the Iphone that’s addictive – it’s technology of all kinds.  When the line between technology (Uranus/Aquarius) and real life becomes blurry (Neptune/Pisces), we see the mutual reception between those two principles at work.  Technology addiction is a growing medical disorder and some rehab centers are offering technology addiction services along with treatment for gambling and sex addictions.

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