“Cosmic rays have hit a space age high”

“Cosmic rays have hit a space age high” October 6, 2009

No, it’s not science fiction!!cosmic_rays.jpg

According to NASA, galactic cosmic rays have intensified 19% over the past 50 years.  Scientists believe that the cause of this increase is the solar minimum which began in 2007 and is still occurring.

The sun’s magnetic field is our first line of defense against these highly-charged, energetic particles. The entire solar system from Mercury to Pluto and beyond is surrounded by a bubble of magnetism called “the heliosphere.” It springs from the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo and is inflated to gargantuan proportions by the solar wind. When a cosmic ray tries to enter the solar system, it must fight through the heliosphere’s outer layers; and if it makes it inside, there is a thicket of magnetic fields waiting to scatter and deflect the intruder.

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Because of the solar minimum, the Sun has lost some of its power to deflect the cosmic rays from Earth.  Scientists say that there’s nothing to worry about, and that hundreds of years ago the force of the cosmic rays was much worse.  Still, a correlation between the influx of cosmic radiation and an increased risk of cancer has been shown in recent studies. Other scientists suggest that an increase in cosmic rays is also associated with an increase in genetic diversity and the mutation of species.
From an astrological point of view it will be interesting to see if the cosmic rays continue to accelerate when Uranus (electrical rays, technology and anything unusual) enters the fiery sign of Aries (warfare, fire, leadership, initiation).

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