It’s all about Mercury right now

It’s all about Mercury right now May 5, 2013

image from Taranak’s blog.  Over the next few days and leading up to the New Moon Eclipse on May 9th, transiting Mercury will make no fewer than seven exact hits to other planets in its march through early Taurus. Mercury is the planet that rules over the mind and the mental function, but also communication and movement.  With Mercury activating this many planets, our minds will be active and energized by new thoughts and ideas and the necessity of adapting to the stimuli around us.

One of the things I love about the mythological Mercury is that as the messenger god he was the only  one of all of the gods that was allowed into Pluto’s domain, the Underworld.  Our mental understanding helps to facilitate our movement through experiences and provides us with a way to process the events in our life in a way that enhances our personal growth.

Mercury is in Taurus at the moment, and the fixed earthiness of Taurus makes the flexibility that Mercury requires more difficult to achieve.  With so many Mercury aspects over the next few days, our minds will be very active and we are prone to changing our minds like our clothing, and shapeshifting and mercurial shifts of demeanor and manner will be the norm.  But Taurus creates resistance to change resulting in a push/pull force pulling us in both directions that may be difficult.

So over the next few days we will find ourselves in this duality of motion versus resistance.  Meditation helps quiet the mind and will help the reality of our situation become more evident and keep the mental confusion to a minimum.  When we can’t make a decision, the time is not yet right and there is more that needs to be known before that can happen.

In Taurus, Mercury loves comfort and security.  Over the next few days these things will be of paramount importance as we head into the New Moon in Taurus in which we will begin a new cycle of earthly comfort and pleasure.

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