Mercury retrograde! Tonight until May 11

Mercury retrograde! Tonight until May 11 April 17, 2010

Mercury will turn retrograde on April 18th at 12:06 am EDT (4:06 am GMT).  Mercury, being the messenger god and the lord of communication, presides over all aspects of communication  including the mental processing of experiences.  Mercury also rules small machinery and short-distance travel.

The recent air traffic problems caused by the Iceland volcano is an example of Mercury Retrograde reversals.

When Mercury turns retrograde, as it does for three weeks four times a year, communication can sometimes become difficult, there are often travel glitches and snafus in contract negotiations.  This is not universally true, and we can go though entire Mercury retrograde periods with no problems.  But it’s useful to know when Mercury is retrograde so that you can be more careful with all matters regarding the transmission of information.  Put everything in writing, clarify everything two or three times so that there’s no confusion, and if confusion reigns anyway just laugh and say “Ha! Mercury is retrograde.”

Mercury is in stable and solid Taurus now, and the Taurus dislike of change could make the retrograde experience more uncomfortable.  During the retrograde cycle, through May 11, it will likely be necessary to go back and re-trace your steps, redoing any mistakes we have made.  Taurus prefers to be firmly rooted, moving neither forwards nor backwards.  This could create some inner conflict for us and make it more difficult to make needed transitions.

Because of the retrograde period, Mercury will remain in Taurus longer than usual making this a good time to become familiar with the pleasurable aspects of life in a body.  Delicious food, comfortable fabrics, the delight of a good hug – all of these things are highlighted for the next few months.  Under the Taurean influence we will be less inclined to chatter, particularly during the retrograde period.

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