Mercury Rx in the Real World

Mercury Rx in the Real World October 3, 2008

Let’s not even speculate yet on what will happen with the economic “rescue” (bailout) plan being signed in a RE-versal by the US House of Representatives when Mercury is retrograde (the stock markets fell anyway).  Instead, let’s turn our intention to the bailout purchase of Wachovia and the battle over its takeover.  Remember Mercury retrograde periods can bring communication glitches, failing equipment, and sometimes the need to do things over, and over, and over, and over.

It was only Monday that the federal authorities approved a deal for Citigroup to take over the failing Wachovia financial company.  Today, Wells Fargo sweetened the deal by offering over $15 billion instead of Citigroup’s paltry $2 billion, causing Wachovia to RE-nege on the deal with Citigroup.  Citigroup responded by threatening to sue.

In Britain, Gordon Brown’s former nemesis Peter Mandelson has RE-turned to Britain to play a role in the UK leader’s cabinet RE-shuffle.

North Korea is RE-storing its nuclear plant despite its agreement to discontinue its nuclear program in exchange for aid.  This agreement, incidentally, was signed into law February 13, as Mercury was stationing preparing to turn retrograde less than 24 hours later.

A false report spread through the internet about the health of Apple Computing’s leader Steve Jobs, causing the stock to tank.

A trading glitch on the Nasdaq yesterday resulted in the plunge of Google stock prices.  Nasdaq.

Yesterday, a malfunctioning recording device resulted in the loss of a client’s recorded reading.

I just had an email from someone who tried to sign up for my mailing list and instead got a dead-end page in Swedish.

The beauty of knowing about Mercury retrograde is that we can just laugh and hold our breath until October 15 when Mercury turns direct!

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