Planetary Conflicts Reflect the News

Planetary Conflicts Reflect the News November 20, 2005

The movement of the planets and the angles that they form to each other produces an energetic effect that influences humans and nations. At the moment there are some challenging formations that are creating pressure for change both in our personal worlds and the global arena.

The planet Uranus is concerned with breaking up old patterns and creating new dynamics. In retrograde motion since June (appearing to travel backwards from earth’s perspective), there has been a slow building of tension as structures that are no longer working begin to fracture. Uranus turned direct on November 18, and suddenly issues of smoldering concern have erupted into the public view.

Mars is the god of war, ruling aggression and the setting of boundaries, and it has just made a square (challenging aspect) to Saturn, which rules social structure and stabilities. Monday 11/21, Mercury (communication), which is retrograde (internalized) will square Uranus (radical change) and the fires of conflict are likely to be stoked. Examples of this in recent news include the chaos that took place in the House on Friday over an incendiary vote over withdrawal from Iraq, and the violent protests on Friday outside the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Busan.

In times like this, discomfort in our personal lives may come from holding fast to the status quo when clearly change is needed. Learning to let go and see things in a different light will be very useful for the next week!

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